
Crash Call

Welcome to the Crash Call home page!

The game is designed to provide a little light relief for fellow NHS doctors. It’s not a commercial project so we don’t have a lot of time to spend on a fancy website. Here’s what you need to know:

Privacy policy

If you want to register for the Fabulous Files of Fizzlingly Fast Physicians, we ask for your email, organisation (i.e. your base hospital) and your GMC number. These are transmitted using end-to-end encryption to an AWS datacentre, where they are kept encrypted using industry standard methods. The GMC number is not stored once we have verified your identity. Your organisation will be displayed alongside your high score in the Fabulous Files of Fizzlingly Fast Physicians. Your email will never share them with anyone but we may, very occasionally, send you information about the game or let you know about other cool free stuff that is likely to be relevant to fellow NHS doctors.

If you want us to remove your information from our records, just drop us a line (our email address is in the “About” section in the app - we haven’t put it here to avoid getting spammed). We will completely purge your information within 30 days of receiving your request. If / when we stop maintaining the game and remove it from the app stores, we will purge all user information.

We do not collect any information about users who do not register for the Fabulous Files of Fizzlingly Fast Physicians.